Itunes connect iphone 6 screenshots
Hi guys. I've only made ipad games thus far but I'm busy uploaded my first iphone release. I noticed that the iphone 6, 4.7 inch and 5.5 inch screenshots are not required like the 3.5 inch, 4inch and ipad. Does apple dynamically create them, what will users see if I don't uploaded them? Any ideas why they are not required? Ditto for the videos...
I believe GS currently auto creates them...there's even a note there that says so...eventually I think they will stop doing that and you will be required to put them in yourself.
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing
I think he meant the screenshots in itunesconnect and not the custom loading screen in publisher? I wanna know the answer to this as well.
Oh. you are only required one screenshot for iPhone 6 "if" it is OPTIMISED for them.
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing
thanks! What about video previews, should I upload a video for every device?
the more the better!
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okay, thanks.