Get noticed...
So whats your steps for getting your app noticed?
My app downloads are incredibly small. The only thing I do so far is post my apps on facebook and to my blog. Is there anything else I should try out?
So whats your steps for getting your app noticed?
My app downloads are incredibly small. The only thing I do so far is post my apps on facebook and to my blog. Is there anything else I should try out?
*Have a webpage, website or blog about your game
*Twitter (just interacting with other gamers... don't waste money on their ads... not yet at least, too expensive.)
*Twitter Retweet Group (you tweet for others, they retweet your stuff)
*Youtube (create video game documentaries/preview videos of your game)
*Pinterest (pin screenshots of games with similar niches such as yours and mix your game screenshots and your information into the pins)
*Reddit (/gamedev, /iphone, /apphookup, etc.)
*TouchArcade (be apart of the community and talk to others about their games before you introduce your game)
*Facebook Ads (experiment and try to get CPI under $0.10, avoid trying to target big countries such as the U.S. because CPI costs so much and target smaller countries...)
*Build more games and simply cross promote within your games... (if you have game A, B and C already made and on the store and now you want to get game D to get some downloads -- update your previous games to add a custom ad or link to get the users from game A, B and C to game D.)
I usually try to direct people to my website, or my iTunes developer page directly. On my website I have a meta tag that displays my latest game on iOS devices.
Also: || appdore twitter || appdore facebook
Some ideas:
youtube videos (trailer/gameplay)
toucharcade forums (among others)
send out a press release (prmac)
contact game review websites and request a review (but don't pay)
hold a contest
I've done all of the above at one time or another, some has worked, some has not.
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Thanks guys, couple I didn't know about like IDRTG and PRMac.
Another one worth checking out is indieDB or slideDB (for mobile games).
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Cool...I will look into these things.
I recently made a website for one of my games and within 24 hours i got emails from websites telling me that they added my game to their feed, tweeted about it, made a post on FB about it, and some requested promo codes. It really surprised me.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
What did you use to make your website?
I used wix.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Cool...I shall look into that...Thanks
Would love to check you site out. You got a link?
I use fiverr. I've had over 124,000 people see my app through one of their services.
that's pretty good, what was the conversion rate to purchases if you don't mind my asking? Or did you notice a bump in sales?
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@AlchimiaStudios I earned about $50 more that day than regular using Chartboost.
That's crazy. Do you mind sharing the gig? Was the ad ROI positive?
So I did this in 8 hours. Kingmaker-Studios.
Considering adding in a section of links to the two apps I stole way we all win.
Now just need to find a way to promote the website...
So I am interested in promoting my new app this is being worked on. I was wondering who you would personal suggest to look up. Can post here or through PM.