Clear out old apps?
Can someone help me as I think there must be a way to do this but I can't figure it out.
How can I remove a platform version of my app from my app publishing page within the Gamesalad website. I see an option to remove the entire game but I have a few Android versions of the same app that were used for testing and I want to delete a few of them to tidy things up.
Many thanks.
If I'm reading this question correctly...go to your portfolio page where it shows all your that app and when it brings you to the publishing page... then in the upper tabs click remove game. It will delete that particular game from your portfolio.
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Yes that deletes the entire game but I want to delete just some of the platform versions that are listed within the game on the left hand side. I have a few Android versions listed under one particular game which I used when I was new to Gamesalad and was testing things seems that I am stuck with them forever!!! A remove button would be nice.