About copyrights ..
in Help Wanted
I Have a desire to create a game for IPhone mobiles but I just wanna ask some inquires $ questions .. It might have some similar ideas to some applications .. Is it considered as a kind of stealing some intellectual right .. Or causes troubles later ?
What should to me take care of .. Before i publish or share my game !?
Maybe it's stupid question but it's my first time to me to develop a game and
I have a lot to asking and learning ..
Can't copyright an idea, so as long as you aren't "stealing" artwork, or audio, or any other assets from the other applications that you might have similar ideas with, you should be fine.
As @SlickZero stated, just don't use any assets that belong to others without permission and you will be fine.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
It's good to know this
Thank you ^^
I believe also that you can't copywrite game mechanics either. Say you wanted to make a game that functioned exactly...like hmmmm...I don't know...Flappy Bird lol...no one can come get ya.
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the haters will get you
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Listen to @BigDave he created the new generation of "flappy bird" games.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
I am sorry going against vast majority of opinions here, but as working into this field, i must say that not only artwork, music and game mechanics, can be intellectual property, but also concept design, a story and gameplay structure can be copyrighted to. And in the end, any "name" that has been trademark registered internationally (even something as simple, like "potato shoot") can be copyrighted either. The truth is that nothing really happens till a game starts earning great money.. but after that... it is a continue fight. I can just suggest to be as much as original possible, and just take "ispiration" from other projects, if you dont want in a near or far future, someone coming you with claims. If there is something around that you really like.. just do as i did.. contact the owner and ask permission or just contract some shares. This is the real easy way. Good luck!
You can use open art or openly free art and vector sites such as freepik.com but they are often low quality , make your own or purchase art is your best option
Thank u all
I 'll do my best !
yeah ..
I 'll use my own design of levels and game characters ..
Thank u for ur replies .. I have benefited a lot .