Video Capture Options
If I'm looking to capture gameplay from my editor for a trailer, does anyone have software they recommend using? I don't have the budget to register fraps, and the watermark on that would not be acceptable for this.
If I'm looking to capture gameplay from my editor for a trailer, does anyone have software they recommend using? I don't have the budget to register fraps, and the watermark on that would not be acceptable for this.
I use Reflector. It has a one time fee of around 15$. But it works to record video from the device itself rather than the editor. It has been slow on my machine, but it is worth looking into.
I appreciate that, but that doesnt fit my needs. We're hoping VERY hard to find a free one, and we dont currently have our testing device available.
You can try x-mirage, its free for 15 days or so. Enough time to get a few previews done.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Does it let you record off the editor?
If you want to record your screen you can try OBS it open source
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Hmmm. Kinda struggling with it, though its close. Having no luck getting the game to fill the screen. Anyone know OBS enough to point out how to set up the preview window? (and remove the mouse cursor if possible)
There should be a capture mouse curses checkbox. Just uncheck it.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Thanks. one last question, if anyone knows this. Are there specific rules to what Apple accepts for preview videos? Like, if they have to be a certain size, quality, or origin?
Upgrade to OSX 10.10. You can record a video buy connected your device to your mac. It will record a 1200 X 900 video through quicktime. However in-order to do this you need to upgrade to OS X Yosemite.
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And thats the only video type apple accepts? I cant use, say, an editor screen capture?
Here are the specific rules. I have highlighted the most important rules in green. Follow them or you will not be able to upload your video preview to the App store.

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You could but QuickTime is free to use and the video quality is good.
Also you wouldn't have to worry about having the correct resolution because QuickTime records from your iDevice.
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I recorded my video with quicktime and then edited the footage in After effects.
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Good Luck
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Due to the nature of the project, I wont HAVE an apple device to use for too long, is why im asking, is all.
What does poster frame mean?
It's basically the thumbnail image.
@Socks Ok, so what does it mean with this 5 sec default requirement, in that case?
I would guess (and it's only a guess) that it would work the same as Youtube and Vimeo's thumbnail/poster frame approach, you upload your video to Apple, once uploaded you then scrub through the uploaded video and when you see a frame you like, one that best sums up the app, you hit the 'poster frame' button.
Yep. I just uploaded a video and it works just like Socks says.
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