Moving wall, don't want to be affected by actor
I've got a moving wall that I want the player character to be able to run into and bounce off of it. I want the wall to continue on its course and not be affected by the fact the player ran into it. I'm afraid I don't know how to accomplish this. Every time the player runs into the wall, it seems to affect the wall's movement a little.
PS: I've been away from the GS community for a few years now but I wanted to keep my design skills sharp, so I figured I'd make a quick game this week. I'm running into this issue though and I really need yall's help. Thank you in advance.
Guess I should have posted this as a question. Sorry, that option was not available the last time I was on the forums. My apologies.
I'm not sure how you have the movement of your wall set up, but what you'll need to do is move the wall using Interpolate Behaviors and in the walls physics settings turn moveable off. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page