Possible android Glitch?
So I recently started publishing to Android. I do not have a Android device to Ad-Hoc test the game on so I test them out on the Iphone then slightly change the game to work for Android..
I got an email from an a guy who played my app saying: Hi. Tried your game just now. Got 'null pointer exception' on my tablet. I have a cheap Coby tablet running 4.03. I hope to release my own game in 2015. Good luck with your game. I'll try it again later> End of message:
What is null pointer exception? Is it some kind of glitch? If so how can I fix it?
So nobody knows what this means???
Nothing? The game will not run on any android device from what I am told. I have no idea what to do.
I only ever had this problem once. That was when I used the Amazon version and placed in on Google Play by mistake.
I suggest looking there. Also, I would just republish the app again, assign it again etc just in case. And finally, ensure that your Android SDK is up to date with version 5.0. It was only recently released.
Failing all that, contact the person who emailed you and get some information on their phone, the version of Android they are running etc
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Thank you. I will try that. Also they were using a Coby tablet running 4.03. Or so he said.
I also had a friend try it on their Droid phone. Same problem. But I will try what you suggested and see if it works.