Nice smooth transition From Scene to Scene
I'm not a huge fan of how the scene just changes instantly from scene to scene. If anyone has ever played the game dots, I really like how when you click on any of the actors to go into a different screen all the buttons instantly zoom out and it looks so much more fluent and nice. Like the title of the game goes up and the bottom actors (buttons go down). I'm trying to make something like that, are tehre any templates to do that. Right now when I click my button (actor) it interpolates and grows bigger, so now what I want is that when I let go of that button and go into another scene I want a smooth transition probably shrink the actors like in dots
Okay, guys I think I've got it, but right now it's just for one button. I still need help in making every button shrink when any button is released so it's like you're fading out of the scene.
You need to use this zoom in to the tutorial and template in the link. It's on their website. So to make the object shrink just change the attribute of the initialW and initialH to 0 instead of size.Size.Width+X. So now the image will basically shrink. And play around with the timing, it has an effect on the buttons.
I want all buttons to sync together and shrink together when the any of the buttons are released
I want to do this basically: Make X Actor do RULE when Y is released.