Converting from PC build to mac build - graphics gone
I started on a PC as my Mac is dead and I am trying out a virtual mac on line for my development work. I have tried to export function on Windows and the project does not display most of the graphics on the mac. Particularly the background and platforms are not displaying.
I checked the actors and they are there, the images etc are all there. When I 'play' the game in HTML5 mode it is all there and visible.
Very odd. How did you convert/download the file to virtual mac? If you can, upload your file to your GS portfolio, then login to your virtual mac and download it directly there.
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I had a similar issue, turned out that an actor I had a tiled graphic on was the problem. It was fine on the PC, However, on the Mac version the tile size had defaulted to 0x0 and therefore invisible. Oddly this also affected a few other actors that weren't even tiled. Might be worth checking this out.
I have tried the upload download thing and it made no difference. I also tried the export function from the PC version as well as the converter from deep blue. Same issue. I even borrowed a macbook air, same issue.
I will look at the image tile sizes tomorrow when I get a chance, in the middle of an our outdoor cinema in our back yard....
OK, now this is getting weird.
Application was built on a PC using latest version from a template. it works fine on the PC without any issues.
When exported to a mac, I am using macincloud virtual machine it open up without issue. The test in HMTL5 on the mac works fine. But the preview shows only black and a few of the assets.
To make it weirder, when I do an android build and sideload it onto my nexus 7, the main screen and menu screen that I made from scratch show, but when you try to enter a level it goes black and does nothing until you exit the app.
I am in my macincloud now checking each asset for size, visability. What else should I be looking for here? it works on the mac in HTML5 preview
I think I have this solved, or a least understand the issue.
For some reason, when I edit actors the tile size changes to 0,0. Not all the time mind you, just occasionally. I even have actors that I have copied with a 50,50 tile size and the copy has a 0,0 tile size.
Not sure why it does this, it certainly screws up the android build as well as the 0,0 tile sizes freaks the render engine out (on my nexus 7) and causes a black screen application hang.
Now go and check each and everyone of the actors in all of the scenes for a tile size issue. Time for a double Gin and Tonic.....