Trouble modify t-shirt booths Spawning demo - help please!
I am trying to modify one of T-shirt booths spawning demos but am having trouble getting the touch attribute to work as I want.
In T-shirtbooths demo (link above) - you click the circle and it spawns an object that sticks to the mouse X &Y and will not be dropped until you click the mouse to drop it!
I am trying to modify it so that you only have to take your finger off the screen to drop the object and do NOT have to wait for second tap, but I just can't modify the file to work, and am going around in circles.
Can anyone shed some light.
In T-shirtbooths demo (link above) - you click the circle and it spawns an object that sticks to the mouse X &Y and will not be dropped until you click the mouse to drop it!
I am trying to modify it so that you only have to take your finger off the screen to drop the object and do NOT have to wait for second tap, but I just can't modify the file to work, and am going around in circles.
Can anyone shed some light.
I deleted all the images incase T-shirtbooth didn't want them being used by anyone else. I also got rid of the cash values because they didn't have much to do with what you wanted.
Actually, this is pretty much a completely different project.
Once again many many thanks