Detecting Ipad devices
Hey guys,
wondering how you detect iPad devices for universal apps..
Im using "WHEN game.scree.size.width IS 1024",
Is this gonna work for the retina iPads as well? (don't have one so can't check)
What is your method?
I don't know whether an iPad will return 2048 or 1024 (perhaps someone else will know), but you could always just detect the aspect ratio, if you calculate the aspect ratio as 4:3 you know you are dealing with an iPad, whether it's an old iPad 1 or a Retina iPad mini they will all return 4:3 regardless of their resolution.
That is correct (assuming your project is landscape).
An unlocked actor with a rule checking for device-screen-size-width (translates to game.screen.size.width) = 1024 will detect iPad landscape correctly for both non-retina and retina iPads.
Twin Swords 2 in progress?
Nice suggestion, thing is if "WHEN game.scree.size.width IS 1024" is working i prefer not to make changes, cause because we deal here with unlocked actors, who knows where i put these rules.. with hundreds of actors in every scene..
Do you have a retina iPad to test it in real world? just to know for sure?
First updating Twin Swords 1, and publishing a new game, then maybe Twin Swords 2 lol
Technically no
I own these retina iPad models: 3, mini2, Air and next week Air 2 also.
Yes, I have tested it on device via adhoc on both iPad retina and non-retina.
@pom screen size for all iPads is 1024x768. Also good to see you back around!
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Yes @POM good to see you!
Lump Apps and My Assets
@JSproject , @The_Gamesalad_Guru , @LumpApps
Cheers guys
I still watching you every day haha, love this forum.
New game is coming, hope you guys like it!
@POM You're welcome
See the image below.
I create three vars for all devices and use game.Screen.Size.Width
The 2nd condition (384) is for testing purposes (when testing it's better to view iPad version in 50% scale in viewer)
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Thanks for sharing, I'm doing a fairly similar method, just wanted to make sure that:
"WHEN game.scree.size.width IS 1024", Is triggering retina iPads as well.