Tweet sheet does not display image
please can any one help.. Tweet sheet does not attach pic.. I tried using name of the image and also name.png but it does not attach.. Please can someone help coz gs tweet sheet cookbook procedure does not work
Current Projects I am working on: Stupid Duck, Zango's Shark Adventure, AoD: Age of Dragons, Rocket Jump: The Pixel Invaders
you have to name images like "twitter_name.png" it's something they did awhile back.
@BBEnk Do you mean the quotation marks are now needed or that a prefix of twitter has to be used?
I just noticed my tweet messages that used to attach images no longer do with the latest ad hoc I'm testing.
I published a few test builds and it seems you do need a prefix of twitter included in the image names but quotation marks or .png are not needed. Unless using both text and attributes.
e.g "twitter_"..myIntegerAttribute
And your images could be called:
I assume the change in naming convention means twitter images don't get auto resized with the rest of the images when using resolution independence?
@ForumNinja - Be good to update the cookbook with the correct syntax needed for using tweet sheet.
Edit: Also, is it correct that the twitter images won't be resized?
Edit 2: Ah, looks like twitter images are still resized from looking at the package contents.
@HoneyTribeStudios Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I'll be sure to look into it!
@HoneyTribeStudios @BBEnk thx.. I will try it..
Current Projects I am working on: Stupid Duck, Zango's Shark Adventure, AoD: Age of Dragons, Rocket Jump: The Pixel Invaders