opinions please :)
Well I have this app and it has a pause button but if you pause the game you can cheat & score free points which I don't want.
I want to know if you were playing an app and you paused it and you saw "you are given 3 pauses for each game play to avoid cheating." Would that turn you off to my app because you are limited to the amount of pauses you can have in each game?
I need as many opinions I can get please .
If you were limited to the amount of pauses in an app would that turn you off as a player?
If you want please tag other friends on the forum so they can give their opinions
Having that issue shows you have unresolved code issues...avoid them at all cost to create the best app for users to play....
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@Thunder_Child I think you mis understood what I was asking. I'm not having a bit of coding issue at all!
. I purposely set it to 3 pauses per game play! Its an endless runner so eventually youre going to die. I was just asking since I was testing my app out & I paused my game I found out that you can cheat if you keep pausing it & I don't want you to be able to cheat. So I was asking if you were limited to 3 pauses per round would that turn you off as a player due to the fact that you can cheat & get extra points. That's why I was asking for everyone's opinion because the more I can get the better 
I still don't understand, like @Thunder_Child says I would just fix it so that they cannot cheat when the game is paused ?
Use the built in pause behavior, you won't be able to cheat.
http://jamie-cross.net/posts/ ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
@http_gamesalad ok...I see what your saying. Maybe...you should consider check marks. As in every 10,000 feet ran..to include a check station or marker to at least allow a save of feet ran. Because frankly...even if paused..and player uses another app..and your game goes to background...iOS8 at least will occasionally make the game start over from beginning and the "pause" becomes useless. Also...if it's an endless runner I'm assuming the scene doesn't relatively change much and if your using any Game Center leaderboards...it makes sense to allow for a continuous increase in distance/time played.
Basically if you ever find a "bug" that irritates you...if at all possible...find a solution around it. I have a bug in a game...very small but someone found it...it allows for up to 15 free
spins....can't have that...so I'm trying to find a way to fix it and update it (app is already for sale). If your in build mode and know about it...fix it bro
And to ultimately answer your question...it probably wouldn't turn me off...if anything for ALOT of players...if a glitch can be found and utilized...it will be so I bring the question back to you...would it turn YOU off knowing people can cheat a game...that YOU made?
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@socks @jamie_c well when I made the pause button it's kind of transparent but maybe I'll do something like when someone presses the pause button I'll change the alpha to 0 and then when they unpause ill change the alpha to 1 so that means people can't see anything until the unpause. You think that's a better idea? @jamie_c that's what I used thanks anyway bro
@http_gamesalad, I've never had an issue with the built in pause behavior. It might be a bug worth reporting to GS.
http://jamie-cross.net/posts/ ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
You mean they can see whats coming? if so make a bigger pause screen that have same size as game
Homepage: freneticgamez.eu/
Make the pause screen go dark for sure if it's a matter of pausing to see whats coming or to get a bonus or seomthing, not sure i entirely understand the situation though.
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@Thunder_Child thanks for your feed back! It's very much appreciated and will defintiley be take will be taken into consideration! & since some of you guys are confused or not understanding I'll post a picture of one with it and without to help you understand
give me one second please