iAd urgent question
I may have made an error here. I marked my game as prepared for iAd, and put in ad space for it. But I notice now that im actually late in filling the contract on Apple's site. My game is already submitted and ready to launch within a few days. Will the ads work?
When you say marked do you mean in GS side? As apple dont require you to check the box anymore.
I would assume that if this is the case, Apple will just not display ads until you have filled out the paperwork. I wouldnt expect it to be rejected. (or if it was rejected, it would be a simple fill out the form and message us back via resolution - they temp reject the meta data but no need to resubmit or queue again)
As for the ads working, they can take upto 5 days to start working, so may not show up on day 1 anyhow. And unless your hitting 10,000 downloads on day 1, you wont be missing out on any revenue.
Best of luck with your game. I love Xmas games!
Thanks. And while that helps, i mean more precisely: The game is submitted and accepted by apple, but i NOW have to fill out the paperwork. Will this be ok and the ads work?
Im sorry, I never got a clear answer on this. Because Apple talks a lot about "contract, then integrate framework" but I thought we had the ad framework right in our publishing. So did i screw up? Because Im still trying to put te contract info together.