Experiencing different accelerometer sensitivity with different devices
I recently started a side project using accelerometer controls. On my first ad hoc test I found that the accelerometer controls worked great on my iPhone 5s but we're significantly more sensitive on a 5c. Wondering if anyone had experienced this and if there were any remedies out there for device calibration. Thanks!
Do a forum search. There are a few code snippets floating about for the accelerometer. I'm working on a game that is accelerometer based and haven't noticed any issues. I guess it all depends exactly what physics or attributes one controls with it.
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I think calibration should be fairly easy, you could have a calibration screen in some kind of settings panel where the user is asked to adjust sensitivity, maybe with a simple value slider.
thanks for the thoughts. I actually discovered the issue. I was using the buzz behavior and found out that in the 5c that really messes with the accelerometer. gonna have to go without the vibration.
Probably worth reporting that as a bug.
@socks i actually think it is a physical issue with the phone itself, perhaps the vibration inside the 5c is near the accelerometer
Huh that's pretty interesting, makes sense tho.
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Makes sense.
maybe it is because the mobile configuration, because iphone 5s different iphone 5c