Collide Behaviour problems with shallow angles
I am experiencing problems with the Collide Behaviour when the collision occurs under a shallow angle. Whenever the angle of collision goes below a certain value (maybe 20° or so) instead of bouncing off of the scene walls, my ball actors just slide along the length of the wall (If the angle is bigger the collision goes over just fine). I have now had to implement a manual Collide behaviour with a rule and an actor overlaps condition (I am not very happy with this solution however, because the balls bounce off way too fast, since none of the physical properties of either the ball or the wall with which they collide is taken into account in the manually implemented collide behaviour).
My question is: Is this a normal behaviour? Is the Collide Behaviour supposed act like this, or am I missing something? Can anyone verify that this happens to them as well? ( particularly with a Mac Creator, as I use windows and suspect that it might have something to do with that).
In both the wall and the actor colliding with the wall try turning friction down to 0.
Friction and all other physics attributes are 0 in the walls. In the ball Friction is 0 as well. Only density and bounciness are not zero.
So I take it this is not normal behaviour?
I don't know then.