Loading Scene

Is it possible for in my game to have a scene at the start of the game that will do all the loading for the rest of my game? And if it is possible how would I be able to do it?


  • colandercolander Member Posts: 1,610

    I have a Loading scene for Android which goes to my Landing scene and I put everything I need to run my game in my Landing scene. I only have a Loading scene for android because GS doesn't display fit the splash scene correctly to the various device sizes. Upload a black image or whatever colour you want just make it blank and the largest size.

    A Loading scene is also needed for Android because when the app starts on the Landing scene it won't load attributes and resize the scene for universal builds that aren't the same aspect ratio. When you go to another game scene and back it will resize. Having a loading scene with a 2 sec timer which changes to your Landing scene fixes this.

    Load all your game attributes on the Landing scene it doesn't matter if that is a menu, game scene, etc.

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