Gameboy color layer?
Hey gamesalad
I want to make a game where you are playing in sorta like a gameboy color console and the screen is on upper part of the layer so how would you move the center of the camera to center it with the screen so that the gameboy is the actual camera with the controllers and you can always see the actor on the gameboy screen
here are some pics of whats happening i put that the actor controls camera and when you move up this is what happens Shot 2014-11-02 at 8.41.41 PM.png?dl=0 Shot 2014-11-02 at 8.41.45 PM.png?dl=0
I used dropbox cause i don't know any other way to share the pics
Place you gameboy mock up in its own layer and uncheck scrollable under scene->layers.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Hi @quique13, you can adjust the origin and size of the camera, just go to your scene attributes ---> camera. But first you "gameboy" should be in a non-scrollable layer.
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