Don't delete old string...
I have a simple timer that sets my attribute to a random number between 1 and 7.
I have a display text that shows me this number.
Everytime the attribute changes my display text changes...
for exampe: 1 (then) 4 (then) 8 (then) 6 etc
is there any way to not delete the old number so it just shows me
1486 etc?
Sure. Youll need two attributes: one called Score, and one called tempScore. When you change the attribute, change tempScore to a random digit. Then change game.Score to This will add the digit to the previous number. You'll then display game.score
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I'm new to GS, can you type out the steps to do what you mentioned please? Because when I am trying it it is not working
ok, got it working, like I said I am new using GS and just had to move it to a different actor
but now it only shows me one of the old last digits instead of building the string with ALL the old last digits
Basically, I want to concatenate my digits so it keeps getting bigger and bigger and I see all the old values