How to set bullets to travel in the aimed direction?

I have set my spacejet to fire laser bullets (using spawn actors), however, the direction of the bullets' travel is always upward and not in the direction the spacejet is pointing at.
The bullets are currently set to spawn at 0 (horizontal) and 25 (vertical). This is fine only so long as the jet is facing upwards as it appears as though the guns are placed at the nose of the jet. But this would not work once the jet is rotated. Can someone please help me on this?
I have set my spacejet to fire laser bullets (using spawn actors), however, the direction of the bullets' travel is always upward and not in the direction the spacejet is pointing at.
The bullets are currently set to spawn at 0 (horizontal) and 25 (vertical). This is fine only so long as the jet is facing upwards as it appears as though the guns are placed at the nose of the jet. But this would not work once the jet is rotated. Can someone please help me on this?
Do you have the bullet actor set to spawn relative to the shooter or the scene? Do you have the velocity on the bullet actor set to relative to the actor or scene?
RH - I set both relative to actor. I played around with the "direction" and seems to work fine now. I have yet to understand the difference between relative to actor and scene.