Anyone tried to make Zuma?
Cant remember seeing this one on the forums so got me thinking...Had an idea on how to do this saturday night just before bed so on Sunday Chris (artist) and I got together and bashed out the demo below.…Sunday is normally lets have a play and see what happens day
We managed to get a bit done but wondering if anyone else has made something similar?
It has an intelligent ball tracking system so it won't give you a red ball to fire if there are no reds on the field.
Shooting at a wrong colour will add that colour to the chain.
Shooting at the death ball will make it spin and go faster making it harder to complete the level.
It will be easy enough to add a chain like in the original where if you kill a red and its next to other reds all reds get destroyed but we ran out of time.
I did manage to test it on my old iPad 1 and its running at 60 FPS.
Looking good Darren!

Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
That's impressive!
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Very nice as always, Darren!
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Nice work
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Looks very cool!
Very good work!! Congratulations.
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Thanks guys it was fun working on the logic.
@DeepBlueApps looking good
Are you planning on releasing a game or a template?
Added the chain reaction this morning...
very cool!
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