Hey there
Hi Everyone. Thought I would come and give an intro post before delving into the community 
My name is Tris, I'm an iPhone developer - but primarily a IT Consultant in Australia.
Enjoy the odd play on the iPhone development bandwagon once in a while. I would never have the free time to make a decent game in c - so am looking forward to getting my hands dirty with the salad!
Looking forward to getting involved around the place.

My name is Tris, I'm an iPhone developer - but primarily a IT Consultant in Australia.
Enjoy the odd play on the iPhone development bandwagon once in a while. I would never have the free time to make a decent game in c - so am looking forward to getting my hands dirty with the salad!
Looking forward to getting involved around the place.
Look forward to seeing what you create. If you get a few minutes, give this thread a go:
PS For someone born and bred in the UK, I still can't get my head around the fact that you can fit at least 31 Britains into Australia. If you wanted to. (But where you'd get the extra Britains from, I don't know... ;-) )
Spiral Gyro Games
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps
Gyroscope - the only catch is that most of Australia is uninhabitable!
We're all scattered around the sides, but the middle is a big no goer.
I'm from Australia too - currently in Sydney
I hope you enjoy using GS and being a part of the community here. (More and more I love the regular posters, hehe.)
So on a forum related note - all the gamesalad emails go to the gmail spam filter. How annoying!