Make A Mute Button???

avittlesavittles Member Posts: 6
edited November 2014 in Working with GS (Mac)

I've been working on this for a while and it seems like its not possible but I'm sure it is. It should be easy. What I want is to press a button, which cuts off sound and changes the image to a depressed button. Then when I press the depressed button, I want the sound to come back on and change the image back to the regular button image. I have no idea what to do. I tried one method where I had a rule that said

{if button is pressed & int=0,
change image (depressed button),
change attribute music&sound=0,
change attribute int=1}

otherwise (else)

{if button is pressed & int=1,
change image (back to normal image),
change attribute music&sound=1,
change attribute int=0}

Now this kind of worked. But if when I pressed the button the sound would get all choppy and then cut out. And when i pressed it again the sound would fade back in really choppy. Or the button had to be pressed multiple times for it to work. And if i held the button down it would fade in and out of the depressed and unpressed button image really fast.

Anyways I think that didnt work because the int's would cancel each other out or something. Any solutions as to how to go about this??


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