How do I change scene gravity with score?
I have a game where things drop from the top of the screen to the bottom. I have set the scene gravity to 10 so that the actors fall slowly. After a specified score, let's say 20, I want to change the scene gravity for all actors to 20 and so forth. So after the score is 50, change all gravity to 30. This will cause the actors to fall faster as the points get higher.
I'm just not sure of how to do this.
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Socks London, UK.Posts: 12,822
@dabbuhl said:
I have 27 actors. 3 different accelerate speeds. How would I change them all to increase the accelerate speed with the score?Use some simple maths.
Let's say your three speeds are 50, 120 and 400.
Change those to 50 X a multiple of the score, 120 X a multiple of the score, 400 X a multiple of the score.
2create Posts: 90
The logic is following
(numeric expression) : SCORE%10=1
Gravity = Gravity + GravityIncrementSo : every 10th count of the score (use the % operator) gravity value will be added with the value specified in GravityIncrement.
And it's better to use Accelerate behaviour instead of Gravity because it's much easier to handle and change it.
Remove gravity from the Scene settings
Create game.Weight variable and set its initial value
In every actor using gravity set behaviour
Accelerate = game.WeightThen update game.Weight with the exression showed at the top of the post.
Good luck!!
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Switch scene gravity off . . . . and use Accelerate (270° relative to scene) on your falling actors.
Accelerate is a much better way to implement gravity, it's more controllable, and obviously you can link the Accelerate speed to your score.
I have 27 actors. 3 different accelerate speeds. How would I change them all to increase the accelerate speed with the score?
Use Constrain behaviour i.e. Constrain mySpeed To myScore / or * by something that gives you the result you are after. Hope this makes sense.
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
So, I would need to add this to every actor at the top of the actors properties?
If my accelerate starts out at 25 and every 50 points I want to increase the acceleration by 10%, I'm not sure how to create this rule:
Basically if score = 50
Can anyone tell me how to write this out?
Create top level vars (type: REAL) :
game.ACCELERATION = 25 (default acceleration value)
game.IncreaseAccelerationEvery = 50 (increase acceleration every 50 points)
game.IncreaseAmount = 0,1 (increase by 10%)
and of course you have game.SCORE
Put the following rules at the top of actor
1) [numeric expression] : game.SCORE%game.IncreaseAccelerationEvery = 0
2) [attribute] : game.SCORE > 1
ChangeAttribute (game.ACCELERATION) = game.ACCELERATION+game.ACCELERATION*game.IncreaseAmount
Accelerate (
.270 degrees
.value: game.ACCELERATION
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