Actor stuck when restarting the scene
I am having a problem when my player (actor) hits a platform that causes a scene restart.
I have a platform that hovers slightly over some spikes. When the player hits the platform it restarts the scene, or it did. Now the player just hovers there (twitching) and the game is unplayable. It was working fine before, I don't know whether it's because I have updated the creator or what, but it's really frustrating. Specially this far along in development.
Is anyone else having this problem? Or does anyone know a solution...
Thanks in advance.
Okay, I have noticed if I play the game from the main menu, it's fine. But if I have the creator on a specific page it does this, so I'm gonna go a head and think it's a bug in the software. Never experienced it before and I deleted a level yesterday because of it, but I thought it was something I had done.
Keep in mind reset scene does not change attributes. So if you have any attributes tied to your logic for that scene they will need to be changed along side your reset scene behavior. This is most likely the reason you are experiencing this issue.
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