hey there i need help, how to rewind in game about only 5 sec. is it possible??
hi, im making a platformer game where i need this rewind option,.
but i dont know how to. can someone please help me, how to rewind all actors for only 3-5 sec after the character dies hehe looks difficult but not impossible :' i'm new to gamesalad
Thanks anyway!
hers's what i found on gs forums, but this is something else /
You'd need to track all the relevant data to tables and then play that data back. I couldn't explain it in a thread but it's a bit of work.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
can please make a little demo, which feature the movement of an actor with keys and should have rewind options pleaseee ,ur the gamesalad guru?? @The_Gamesalad_Guru
Looks like this demo file is still available two plus years later: http://forums.gamesalad.com/discussion/44291/fun-with-writeable-tables-rewind-system-project-file.
(It was the first result when I Googled GameSalad rewind)
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
i already know about that mate :.
thanks but i want a demo about a moving actor
Have you seen this demo of mine?
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
Sorry I don't make demos. I just don't have the time. I also feel it's best for people to learn by doing.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS