Plump - The Free, One button, endless runner game under development. Opinions are welcome :)
Hey Guys, how are you?
I'm working in my first game salad game. So, I would like some specialists (you guys) opinions in order to make a great game.
The concept is simple: Our hero, tired of his daily stresses, decides to reach his freedom by jumping over buildings through the town. Despite of the simple idea, the game key is the challenging mechanic and the immersive environment.
I'm still working on some basics mechanics, like scrolling backgrounds and main actor behaviors. (as soon as I get more stuff I'm gonna post it here).
By now, I already have the interface concept and tittle. It's not much, but I think they both are key factors for a game to succeed. So I really would like to have your opinion about it.
Here is the game interface:
Facebook page:
Game site:
For now that is it, as soon as I have the first playable, you're gonna be the first to know.
Now, some questions:
What do you is the most important thing in an endless runner game?
Did you like the name?
Did you like the interface?
Is it attractive?
What would you change in it, or add?
Is the character charismatic?
Well, any help is welcome.
Thank you in advantage guys.
Looks pretty cool.
Dream big. Anything is possible, you just gotta work for it. Maybe you're app will be the next top hit.
I think that for an endless runner the most important thing is that it remains entertaining for as long as possible. Perhaps if you had some up close pics of the charater I could tell you what I thought, and Plump Makes me think that the charater ought to be overweight.
It is eye catching though. I could tell you more if you had more info. Good Luck!
Thanks for the feedback!
I'm thinking about making the difficulty progressive by speeding up the game (buildings) velocity and diminishing the buildings width. I thought about some obstacles too, but I'm finding hard to figure out what to place.
Here's the character inspiration:

This is the most stagnant part, once I haven't worked on him yet. So I got to star from zero in this point. But the Idea is the main character to be just like a big head, well suited and smiling character.
I'll try to post the first "playable" video this week.
Other than the title being the name of the font , I actually really like the look of the game and the buildings graphics are really nice , gope it goes well @joaosjc
Yes, I really like the font ^^
Tks For the comment
The font is great i agree aha hows it coming on ?
It's coming well. I just found a new partner for the game design. The graphic style will change to pixel art and I'm thinking about adding new features: Such as different characters options and different backgrounds.