Keeps crashing
I've never had this problem before. But my app keeps crashing. It crashed have times I couldn't make it to the 2 nd level thats how bad it was... Any suggestions on what I can do? I made a few updates to my app thats all & it wasn't like it was a whole lot..
There's not a lot of information to work with here.
@socks its okay bro I fixed it
Good !
What was it? How did you solve it? Could be helpful info for others having a problem like that.
@phghost tbh idk what I did honestly lmao. I just deleted the app and then downloaded it again and poof it was gone
I will give you something that helped me a lot. I unchecked preload art @pHghost makes the app work waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy better bro. Do that for every of your actors trust me works so perfect