HTML 5 and GameSalad
I love the new Home page for gamesalads site. But Im still finding it a Cheap in the way they advertise their role in HTML 5 development. Granted they are officially stating what you can do with html 5. For a veteran user, they arent misleading "me" in anyway. Nor its current veteran users. And also the way they word the advertisement, they arent misleading any newcomers. But it still makes me want to puke when I see them grand standing their offer of HTML 5 Publishing. When they know they arent letting HTML 5 have its full potential.
When are you guys going to finally give HTML 5 the release it needs? Why is giving HTML 5 its full potential, so TABOO?
Yeah, It is not full HTML 5 publishing...not in what they are offering or supporting anyway. The Guru and I were messing a bit with the HTML "options" earlier this year.
I am rather stoked with how well games run in HTML 5.
I think more folks would participate with the GS Arcade (with a focus on browser based games) if GS can/decides to remove the fence. It's like we can see it right over THERE! right THERE!, but the dumb fence is in the way. Ya know?
I dont get why they dont give us the full publishing of html5 , it can't be that hard to add this feature and it would benefit a lot of people !!!
We plan to have HTML5 self publishing in the coming months, but we have a few other efforts that the web team needs to complete first.
@adent42, thats great news! ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Its all part of their marketing strategy. Look closely how GameSalad does things and you can quickly see what their really doing.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
you kind of can create hmtl 5 version through tizen SDK
making a browser version out of the .wgt
ends up with html 5 version with index.html etc
what ever I'm not an expert and there is currently this game jam of pewdiepie and their site requires html 5 version to hand em in.
And the version build through tizen does not get accepted by the page..
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would be great to be able to participate

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This jam is going to be huge, plus the 10 lucky games he chooses and plays are guaranteed to make it big.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
totally. his attention creates viral trends.
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