What are the screenshot sizes in pixels for ios (all)?
Pls could i have the dimensions for app preview screenshots for all portrait devices.
Ik its a simple one but struggling to find it anywhere Thks
Pls could i have the dimensions for app preview screenshots for all portrait devices.
Ik its a simple one but struggling to find it anywhere Thks
Sonfar for me...although it says right there in Apple jpeg or png....screenshots made with GS are png and even after properly resizing them...I have to convert them to joeg because stupid apple says png is not allowed.
Stupid apple. I wish if im in GS and test in preview in iPhone6+ that when I take a screenshot it would be the correct size...BUT....GS doesn't do that.
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What exactly does iTunes Connect say? I always upload .png images for all the sizes.
Png works fine. Just make sure to remove the alpha channel (transparency) when saving the image.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
@pHghost its says aplpha chaneels not allowed.
when I take a screenshot and click save it only asks me where I want to put it. I havent noticed any place to change alpha. I will check it out tonight. Thanks. So fat I always have to create a duplicate and so I just click choose type and save to jpeg.
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing
Yeah, sometimes the alpha channel rears it's ugly head. Funnily, with the software I use, all sizes are completely fine and accepted usually, but iPhone 6 Plus isn't even with all the same settings.
I use Alpha Channel Remover to fix that. Just drop the images is and it will batch-strip the alpha channel completely.
You can also just use Mac preview to remove transparency, just click export to save and if it has one it will give you option to uncheck alpha, also a great way to change image sizes if need to all at once.