Does iAd banner reduces fps?
When iAd start,fps drops to 20/25 for 2-3 seconds.It doesnt looks good.If ads change,it happening again.
I'm always struggling with this problem for 6 months because of that(and reveneu) charboost is better than this.
Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
Does this issue about creator?Can we fix it?I found discussions about that on the internet.
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iAds do tend to slow down the game for a brief moment. This is something i have noticed as well. It is most noticeable with games that have a actor constantly moving.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Im curious. How do you show FPS? Is that a built in things for GS or just a coding thing?
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FPS slows down when iads are used , just made a quick 5 min simple game and it even effects that
(tested on ipad)
You can see fps by testing your game with the GS viewer.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Ah. Never used it. Always preview. Ok thanks.
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Also noticed this is the case in an adhoc. Should test it in xcode instruments to see how much of a drop it actually is. Don't think the viewer shows the accurate FPS.
Yes,I didn't mention the viewer.If you test your game on the device and game screen has a lot of movement,you don't need xcode instruments,too obvious.Fps drops for 2-3 seconds,when every new iad show or in the first load.
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Wordgraphy / Polycolor / 20 Seconds / Minimal Maze
Yep its very noticable
@Thunder_Child @Dues @raycur09 @onelasttime
FPS meter, direct in your screen device
Sweet ! I apparently missed the continuation of that discussion. Thanks. I see the screenshot of coding
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