PewDiePie'S Game Jam 21-23 November
So there is a game jam hosted by PewDiePie.
And the top 10 games will be played by him which means they will be a success. (as he kicked off flappy bird back than)
What ever this only becomes available for us gamesaladers if we can submit in one of these options.
Does someone see a way for us?
Gamesalad can publish as a Macintosh Application (Desktop) Game. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
good one i just checked it.
Unfortunately it requires you to invest another $ 99.00 USD for the apple license to ship desktop apps.
Any other ways?
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Damn this would be such an amazing opportunity for us Indies.
Dream big. Anything is possible, you just gotta work for it. Maybe you're app will be the next top hit.
@BigDave, I think I read on the forums that @gingagaming is able to somehow create a working html 5 game from GS, but I have no idea how. You might want to contact him to find out. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
When I clicked on @gingaming, it says user not found...
Dream big. Anything is possible, you just gotta work for it. Maybe you're app will be the next top hit.
Ginga Gaming does html5 so you can use it for your games at a cost , pm him ? - so didn't read jamies comment
but its like $60
But if you got your game on pews channel i think it would be worth 60$ gamble !!
the rules:
Actually, there are a few rules:
so anyone who is interested needs to know that templates and previous work is not allowed.
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This would be cool to do, but I doubt Mac publishing would count for the desktop option. Probably looking for an exe file.
@BigDave said:
I've downloaded Mac desktop build and played game with no License. I think you only need that to upload to App Store but I might be wrong. also not sure how well it works now but you could get a index file from a Tizen build in the past.

to build it you need a bundle ID. I tried it with the ID from the iOS version and built it.
Once it was on my desktop I tried to run it by a simple double click it says it doesn't work.
So looks like you need the extra apple license for building desktop mac games.
Tizen Html Version
I tried the Tizen trick. I got a html version with the required index.html.
Made a .zip and uploaded it to the game jam site. ( a test game not for the actual jam)
It does upload to 100% but than ends up with:

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@BigDave Might be worth looking into this, not sure if @The_Gamesalad_Guru has found anything more on this.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
No you don't just make something up for bundle id and hit build and then hit download not sign and you will get a zip file you can unzip with your playable app I just tested it works fine.
I tried that It creates a playable HTML version which is great!
But for some reason the game jam webpage does not accept this versions, zipped.
weird the versions i get by using a fake bundle ID still prevent me from playing.
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Works for me perfect see below my setting for build and app running on my desktop in a window and I don't have a Mac account.
Also if your getting a warning about security setting you need to allow your app to run via Mac security 3rd party app it should actual have it listed there and you just click open anyway.
Thats because you have me user ID spelt incorrect... I was in the "lost and found" box
I can convert your game into HTML5 files, that is correct. These files can be hosted on a server too unlike the files generated by Tizen.
These tizen files are not compatible with servers. When uploaded to a server, they dont play. They work fine on a desktop but as soon as you host them on your server, they just dont work.
What I have found with the HTML5 files that I produce is that they can be hosted on any server and played as expected. However I have ran a test on the Game Jolt website and unforunetly, the site dosen't recognize the files. So my files currently are not compatable with this site. I have sent an email to the site owner asking why and I am awaiting a reply.
To clarify, the HTML5 files I produce DO work independently on your own website, just not on Game Jolt.
From the window that popped up, I assume it is just the way you have your computer set up. It won't run if you have your security set to 'App Store and identified developers' because you aren't an identified OS X developer. Simply go to preferences and change them to open apps from anywhere. It should then work like a charm.
@BigDave, to open that mac application all you have to do is go to your security & privacy system preference panel and allow your computer to open any file. See the screen shot below: ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
It is playable now!
To bad their game jam server does not accept this version neither.
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I know how to recode the HTML redirect in that video but to tell you how would violate Gs's TOS sorry
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I thought that over the summer they removed the redirect. I know I read that in a post. Has anyone tried it recently?
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
It doesnt have a redirect anymore. They have changed it to hang with a loading wheel instead. Basicly Tizen HTML5 files dont work when uploaded direct to a server.
(on the topic of html5) Awww that does not work anymore eh? Too bad. There was just a matter of converting sound files so that they would play properly.
Hmm it's been a while since i played with it. HTML 5 still had sound issues anyway so i haven't bothered with it.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I wonder how will they stop people from starting making game before the jam.
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
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this HTML version trick does work!
Create txt file make basic html code put iFrame from arcade in body
make the txt to a html file
make a txt file write the code,
save it.
Click on the text file go to get info.
Uncheck hide extension, changes txt or rtf to .html
and bäm!
just zip the index.html and submit thy accept it.

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So now its submitted to your profile, can it be played as expected? as in be entered in to the comp? have you got this far Dave?
i will check that tomorrow morning tired now good night
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I'm testing it now but it isn't showing properly. || appdore twitter || appdore facebook