Lagging Problem
I have a big problem...A few days ago my 'game' in gamesalad was working fine. But not its lagging alot. Exampe: If mouse colides with actor 'x' then destroy. It was working a few days ago. But now it does not destroy the actor, and if it does it's like 1/2 seconds later. PLEASE HELP
What kind of help were you after ?
to not make it laggy
Yeah, I got that bit !
I was more wondering how you'd like people to help you, do you have a specific question ?
Bro gamesalad is always laggy. It's like a 30 megabyte program. It ISNT your iphone. Best bet would be to run your game in iphone mode, or reduce the screen size.
I have a timer in my game that sometimes works and sometimes doesnt. It's really trippy...
Would the game be as laggy in the ios device as in the pc?
@Socks - Advice that could help reduce lag in gameplay.