Device Clock and Countdown Question.
I see the clock in GS under Game...lets say a player presses the start button of a game for the first time on Nov 18th at could I create a timer that says you have 1 week to complete the game or "Game Over Man"...down to the second?
I mean even if they close the app for 4 days...not even running as a background app refreshing...that when they enter the game it shows date to finish and like below.
Time to Complete
3 Days, 14 Hours, 27 Mins, 09 Sec
Is this doable? Maybe a little hint on how to start?
Making the clock is definitely doable, though with this type of countdown, it is easy for the players to cheat by setting the clock back and giving themselves more time.
Are you in a rush with this?
I was thinking about making a video tutorial about it when you asked about the daily and hourly reward timer in Spin-O-Ween, but am going to a film festival in a day, so probably won't be able to get it done sooner than in about two weeks.
@pHghost no Im in no rush. Brainstorming today and thought of it and how to implement it into a game Im tinkering around with. By the way Im talking about the device clock...I dont know how they could change the time on a device?
Thanks for the reply I look forward to any tutorial you come uo with. :-)
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would also love to see that video. And what other simple option (probably server) you have to compare past time.
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I think he might be referring to changing the phones date and time which will essentially trick the app into thinking time has past. Not sure about this, just throwing out a thought.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Exactly. Just turn off automatic date and time and manually set the date and time to anything you wish.
@pHghost would be great with a video, i have Think of to make a game that works like this.....when you start play, a timer start and when you quit the timer quit and save and after some time something happen
Hmmm. Well sounds like theres a cheat capability. Maybe just make a timer so that a days worth of open app game time instead.
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There are ways you can limit that capability, which I will touch on in the video, but it will never be perfect, since you don't have control over their device clock.
For example, in my slots game, it is possible to skip a day ahead and collect your daily reward for the next day. But if you do that, and then switch your clock back to the real time, you won't get the bonus again the next day. So in essence you can cheat to get your bonuses earlier, but not to get more of them.
To get around cheating I wonder if you could hook up to a sever clock and go based on that clock instead of the device clock. I haven't tinkered around with servers much, but that might be worth looking into since they cannot change the server time.
EDIT: saw someone else mention this already. Sorry, I didn't read the thread before posting.
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Probably. For most situations it is overkill, though. And it will also break the game if you want people to be able to play it without internet access.
In the end that will be an app-by-app decision, mostly. I won't be touching on any server-related issues, though the time-thread tracking system I use will work no matter where your date input is coming from, server or device.
OK, back from the festival, should be able to put some time into this over the next few days.