Epic grid movement, I finally did it.
I think I love @ashtmj
I adapted his camera movement tutorial and applied it to movement on a grid :http://forums.gamesalad.com/discussion/73820/interpolate-vs-move-to-when-using-camera-control-on-actor#latest
This video shows the Epicness that ensued (skip to 0:30 for the good part):
Basically I have a mini invisible hero that walks around the map, and has the jitteriness that comes with interpolating with a timer. My real hero follows its movements, but the outcome is perfect smoothness. This also means my hero can follow collision rules whilst having the benefit of interpolation movement.
Cool, glad you were able to get your desired effect. Looks good!
http://jamie-cross.net/posts/ ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
It's slightly hard to see what's going on in the video. Do you know you can use QuickTime to record your screen?
@pHghost updated the video
Skip to about 0:30 in the video
@jsorr2 How did you get the player actor to move without having to move tile to tile?
Works really well !
@sawkastee Theres a lot of rules and constraint happening. But I constrain the main actors position X to '5*(game.player X - self.position X), same for Y. Then on my invisible moving actor, everytime it moves, it updates Game.player X (if going right, put a timer every 0.025 seconds - game.player X + 32 and then interpolates its self position to game.player X).
its complicated haha!