Showing IAP prices at the app
Hey guys
I'm lost...
I'm making my first app with IAP and I just can't figure out how to show prices at the app according to the country and the currency.
Is it possible to set the price as a tier at the Purchase Table, and make it update according the prices from AppStore?
My app is for the Brazilian market, but I believe that it can be sold in other countries too.
How do you guys manage that?
There's a guide here:
To just show the price in the native currency:
Set up your IAP in itunesConnect/Google/Amazon
Write the ID of the IAPs into the PurchaseTable
Put the 'In App Purchase - Request Purchase Data' behavior somewhere and add the appropriate entries. It will request the price info from teh service provider and enter it into the Purchase Table.
Then use Display Text in whichever actor you want to display the price. For the text field use a table cell value of:
Purchase Table, TheRowYouSetUpTheIAP, 4
Column 4 is the price.
Hi! I followed the above advice and yet in the authoring environment, and in the app loaded to my device, I still see no price listed - i.e. nothing appears in the display text field when I target column 4 of the purchase table. I have the 'In App Purchase - Request Purchase Data' behaviour load by itself, without restrictions, with a start index of 1 and an end index of -1, and the Callback attribute is a game-level attribute... But still nothing populates. In iTunes Connect, though, although I have created appropriate in-app purchase items, and have added them to the Purchase Table, I have not yet submitted my app, or its in-app purchases, for beta review... Is that required for them to display, or should they be available/loading even now? Tks!
Someone told me that you cant fetch pricedata directly from the table, hope he was wrong;)
Does anybody know more about this?
As long as you fill the table first with a request purchase data you can display the price from the table.
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Trying to display the price but it shows my iap id for a few seconds before showing the price. Any ideas?