Swiping left-right to change menus
I was wondering how to make a menu system like Angry Birds has - slide left and right to bring in and out other level buttons. I've seen GSHelper's video on the topic, but it uses mouse instead of touch, and the implementation is from 2012 (a very old GS version).
I'm sure there has to be someone who did this before... can I have some help with it please?
Angry birds uses a scrolling camera similar to this
then you would just need to add your level buttons onto the scene
We have a free scroll around scene similar to the above video and cover flow on DBA it helps.
For the most part mouse and touch are interchangeable however this is one case where you have to use mouse. It can freeze while testing in Creator but will work fine on a device. It freezes when your mouse button is down and you swipe of screen. If this happens just hit the refresh button top centre.
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