Rotation like in Flappy Bird

Hi, I have been trying to make a flappy bird clone, which has proved very easy, and is now complete, save one element: I cannot get the bird to pitch up slightly when tapped, and then pitch slightly down when not being tapped. I want to do this where when its going up its on a 45 degree up pitch, and when its falling it would be at 315 (-45) degrees. What happens now is it either goes up like I want and just stays there, not going down, or it goes down like I want, and when I tap, it starts randomly spinning. Any Ideas?


  • nugget2001nugget2001 Member Posts: 5

    Hi, I have been trying to make a flappy bird clone, which has proved very easy, and is now complete, save one element: I cannot get the bird to pitch up slightly when tapped, and then pitch slightly down when not being tapped. I want to do this where when its going up its on a 45 degree up pitch, and when its falling it would be at 315 (-45) degrees. What happens now is it either goes up like I want and just stays there, not going down, or it goes down like I want, and when I tap, it starts randomly spinning. Any Ideas?

  • jsorr2jsorr2 Member Posts: 279
    edited November 2014

    Have you ever thought of having an animation of it rotating? Mind = blown.

    EDIT: incase that wasn't obvious. Have like 3 pictures of your bird rotating up, and 3 pictures of your bird rotation down. Then a rule:
    when touch is pressed, animate 3 UP pictures @ 3 fps.
    When touch is released animate 3 DOWN pictures @ 3 fps.


  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881
    edited November 2014

    Duplicate threads merged. (Please don't make multiple threads on the same topic.)

    @nugget2001‌ You might try this:

    When touch is pressed
      Rotate To Angle
          Angle: [45] Relative To:[SCENE] Speed: [90]
      Rotate To Angle
          Angle: [315] Relative To:[SCENE] Speed: [90]
  • nugget2001nugget2001 Member Posts: 5

    @RThurman said:
    Duplicate threads merged. (Please don't make multiple threads on the same topic.)

    nugget2001‌ You might try this:

    When touch is pressed
      Rotate To Angle
          Angle: [45] Relative To:[SCENE] Speed: [90]
      Rotate To Angle
          Angle: [315] Relative To:[SCENE] Speed: [90]

    Thats what I thought too, but that just makes it start spinning randomly....

  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881

    I just tested it and it does work as expected. You either did not set it Relative To: [SCENE] or you have some other rules that are making it "start spinning randomly".

    Try an experiment. Make a new game with just one actor. Then apply the above rule to the actor. It works as expected.

  • nugget2001nugget2001 Member Posts: 5

    RThurman you were right. What was wrong was that when I clicked it ignored the when clicked rotation, but when I changed it to space bar, it worked like a charm. Thank you and sorry!

  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881

    You are welcome. Glad you got it sorted out!

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