High Score Save after reset or game turned off ??? Help

dabbuhldabbuhl Member, PRO Posts: 52

I have a game and everything works correctly until I go out of the gamesalad preview. I have looked all over the forum and I think that I am doing this right put the gamesalad preview can not ultimately really show that the high score is saved if you go away from the preview or shut down the program and open it back up.

Here is what I have:

Attribute: Game.Score > game.High Score
Change Attribute: game.High Score to game.Score
Save Attribute: game.High Score Key:h

In my intro screen I have an actor HS-Generator
Load Attribute
Key: h Attribute:game.High Score

Question: Do I need to put this actor (HS-Generator) on any other Scene other than the intro screen?
When I play the game in Preview and go from (scene) intro to (scene) game to (scene) game over
the high score works properly. After I either go out of preview to work more on the game or if I save everything and turn the gamesalad program off, the next time I preview it, the high score is reset back to 0.

Is this the way that it should work or am I doing something wrong?

If this is the way that gamesalad works, how will I be able to really test the high score function to see if it works when the game is shut down and then played again?


  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    edited November 2014

    It will work fine when you do a build, if you quit preview it won't save…test doing a quick build but it will be fine and you only need to load once on the 1st scene.

    If your saving every time the score is > than high score it may cause a problem….best to only save once at the end of the game for e.g. Rule...when game over is true & high score is equal to score…save.

    Best way imo is to do a constrain in one of your score actors…if score > high score constrain high score to score, then you won't need to change high score to score to save and it will update instantly during gameplay.


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