Advanced touch controls help!

Hello there!

As of now I'm trying to create touch controls for my game, that are supposed to work like Hectic Spaces ( ). Heres a basic example:

Whenever I touch the screen, theres a difference of say 100 pixels, with your finger at 100 X and the player at 200 X. When you then move your finger to 150 then the players X goes to 250. If I then release my finger and put it somewhere else with a difference of say 50. My ship is at X 250 and my finger at X 300. I then slowly move my finger from 300 to 250 X and the player moves with it from 250 to 200 X.

If what I just said made NO sense at all, I would recommend trying out Hectic Space to understand what I mean. As of I now I have no idea of how to do it, my best guess so far has been (However not working): Constrain self.position.X to game.Touches.Touch 1.X - ( game.Touches.Touch 1.X - self.Position.X). If anyone could get me a solution or alternative way of doing touch controls I would be appreciate it a ton!

Thanks for read - Silver


  • jsorr2jsorr2 Member Posts: 279

    I'd need to be on my computer to figure it out, but a funny idea would be too copy paste your ship onto a huge blank image, and then put the image on the scene.
    So when anywhere is touched, the scene and the ship would move

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    edited November 2014

    You might want to look at some of the swipe tutorials because they use the distance your finger travels to determine if a swipe has occurred. You would just need to use that same distance and apply it to the actor's position (e.g. via Interpolate). Start by Googling gamesalad swipe.

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  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @SilverAlmighty said:
    Whenever I touch the screen, theres a difference of say 100 pixels, with your finger at 100 X and the player at 200 X. When you then move your finger to 150 then the players X goes to 250. If I then release my finger and put it somewhere else with a difference of say 50. My ship is at X 250 and my finger at X 300. I then slowly move my finger from 300 to 250 X and the player moves with it from 250 to 200 X.

    In your actor make an attribute, call it ControversialAttributeNamingSchemeEntry098

    Then add a rule that says . . .

    When mouse button is down:

    Change Attribute ControversialAttributeNamingSchemeEntry098 to game.Mouse.Position.X - self.Position.X

    Constrain self.position X to game.Mouse.Position.X - ControversialAttributeNamingSchemeEntry098

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    Example file.


    . . .

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    Version with both X and Y coordinates:


  • SilverAlmightySilverAlmighty Member Posts: 17

    Thank you Socks! Its really amazing to see a community this helpful and dedicated!

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    I won't go into how to do this, as @Socks has already answered that for you, but I will draw your attention to this bug:

    It will affect your game if you publish to iOS. The semi-fix I talk about in the report won't work for your usage, and I haven't found a way to actually fix it. I tell you all this just so if you encounter it you know it's a GS bug and not something you did wrong (probably).

  • SilverAlmightySilverAlmighty Member Posts: 17

    Thank you for the heads up @Armelline‌

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