goliathgoliath Member Posts: 1,440
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Quick question, after an app gets rejected for something small, how long does it take for them to review it again? Sorry I am just kind of upset right now. Here is the email:

Dear Gary,

Thank you for submitting SpaceScape to the App Store. We've reviewed SpaceScape and determined that we cannot post this version of your application to the App Store because the small bundle icon does not match the large icon. This can lead to user confusion.

The detailed required requirements are available in the iTunes Connect Developer Guide, page 55:

C) Large Icon (512x512)*

The small (57x57 for iPhone/iPod touch, 50x50 and 72x72 for the iPad) icon that you include inside the binary will be used on the iPhone, iPod touch or iPad home screen when installed, and on the device App Store when viewed from the iPhone, iPod touch or iPad respectively. The large icon will be displayed for your app on the desktop App Store and if necessary, will be used to feature your application on the App Store. To be featured prominently on the App Store we recommend you provide an attractive, original icon that meets the following requirements for both iPhone/iPod touch and iPad apps:

• 512px square*
• 72ppi, RGB, flattened, no transparency
• High quality JPEG,TIFF or PNG image file format. ZIP-compressed TIFF files are
not acceptable.

*Please do not scale-up smaller artwork, as this could appear pixelated and blurry.

If you want to preview image files before submitting them, click the filename to view them in a separate window.

When customers look for your application on their devices, they should be able to recognize it from the icon on the App Store. Please ensure that the small icon is consistent with the large icon.

In order for your application to be reconsidered for the App Store, please resolve this issue by uploading a new large icon or by submitting a new binary with an updated small icon using iTunes Connect.

Best Regards,

App Review Team
iPhone Developer Program


  • Koda89Koda89 Member Posts: 275
    They usually reviewed mine in a timely manner, but only two of my games have ever been rejected.....
  • goliathgoliath Member Posts: 1,440
    thanks..... i just waited for a week (which if you can remember releasing your first game 1 week= FOREVER....).... and I was just disappointed.

    I didn't think it was a huge deal the whole icon thing but apparently it did...

    oh well, another week living by my email....
  • Koda89Koda89 Member Posts: 275
    Yeah, Apple are real sticklers when it comes to the icons of the game and title of the game.....
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    Uh-oh... my icons don't match... awaiting rejection. LOL.
  • MagoNicolasMagoNicolas Member, PRO Posts: 2,090
    It Happen to me Just 1 week ago, TWICE! They Review it like 3 days after the Stupid Rejection.
  • TrisTris Member Posts: 58

    First app release is a killer. You get used to the rules, but never understand them.
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    Yup. LOL.
  • MightyBooshMightyBoosh Member Posts: 83
    yeah apple is very strict on this. We have actually had more than 300 apps approved for the store so we have seen our share of rejections... A small tip for making icons/ screenshots etc. create a upload folder. Put the binary in there with the 5 screenshots (also .jpgs) and a notepad file with your description in it with keywords down the bottom.

    Now when you design your icons in Photoshop make the 512x512.jpg first but design it at postage stamp size (Noob mistake to design a great looking image at full res because when you shrink it down to 57px you lose all the detail.) Output the 512x512.jpg and then simply change image size (option+cmd+i) and save it as 57x57 or 72x72. This way you can't be done for having incorrect images and it makes the whole upload process is much faster because all the files are in one folder.

    You all probably know this but just a helpful hint for those new to submissions.

  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    you said that you have 300 apps, so you probably have experience with rejections..
    you may know the answer for that
    my question is, if you fix the cause of the rejection, are you 100% approved?
    or does the checker saw that the icons are different and didnt even bothered to check the rest of the app?! so that when you fix it, there might be a different reason for rejection?

    (i hope you understand my question cause my english is lame)
  • MightyBooshMightyBoosh Member Posts: 83
    Yeah hard to give a perfect answer to that but il try to give you an idea. The short answer is no However it's a little more complicated...

    We have actually built up a small relationship with 2 apple employees (one reviewer and one on the market team) and through phone convos we have pieced together a few things.

    Basically when you submit an app it firstly goes through a automatic checking process which checks that your icons match, no private APIs and that your app builds etc.
    After that process your app (or suite of apps) gets assigned to an apple reviewer who checks that the app does what it says and has no bad content in it (nude girls etc). Then your app gets approved.

    Here's the issue, each time you submit an app the process starts again and you get a different reviewer assigned to handle your case so what happens is you get a VERY subjective opinion to whether your app gets approved (it depends on what side of the bed the reviewer got out of and what one reviewer had no issue with the next might). So it's unfortunately impossible to guarantee your app will be approved.

    One thing is certain through once you get an app rejected by a reviewer (ESP for bad content) they record notes as to why it got rejected so the next time you submit the app it will be gone over with a fine toothed comb.

    One other point worth mentioning is that apple actually have a very relaxed view on submitting copyrighted content (if you don't believe me try submitting an ovi app with content you don't own!). The rule of thumb Is if the company/person has never contacted apple about their conent being used unlawfully then apple will probably approve your app. However once they get contacted (ie NFL, FOX LTD) you will never get an un licensed app through -- kind of like a casino blacklist

    Hope that all makes sense and I have helped shed light on a process which is pitch black

  • iKandyiKandy Imagineer of Crazy Shit New York CityMember Posts: 310
    Yes, my game got rejected too for the same reason. For some reason the GameSalad icon got packaged up with binary upload causing the whole app to be rejected. I guess you have make sure when you publish a game, you don't see the little GS generic background icon on the app. What a drag... have to wait another week.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    iKandy, I have seen you warned by others for bumping these year old threads. This is your last warning. If you continue to bump these old threads you will be banned from the forum for a week. I would PM this warning to you but you would likely never receive that.

    This thread is closed..
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