Motal Kombat - Test Your Might
Hi everyone,
I am trying to do something similar to the mortal kombat test your might mini game. I have made some good attempts at how to do this, with interpolations and taps an stuff, but I cannot figure out a solid way of making a system like this
Essentially the system is this: The player taps the screen really fast, and the faster they tap the more the power meter goes up, but the slower they tap the meter will go down. Kind of like the power meter has resistance.
Any ideas?
is this using gamesalad?
You can just do when touch is pressed or when mouse button is down change attribute (integer) power to power + 1 and have a timer ever X seconds change power to power - 1.
I am trying to replicate something similar by using gamesalad, but this is an xbox game.
I'll give it a shot and let you know how it works, Thanks
Here you go. You may be able to modify this using a second loop behavior that works to decrease it.
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@The_Gamesalad_Guru the loops work pretty well! Best solution I have so far so I will stay with that for the time being.
Also you can constrain x =x-1 when touch, it's fast and simple
Doesn't work for what I am going for, but nice thought