IAP Restore Purchase rejection
Member Posts: 1,159
Hey guys,
So my new game has been rejected twice for not having a restore purchase feature. The problem is I do have a restore purchase button, but what I know of there is no way to test if it actually work. It kind of sucks beeing rejected twice for a feature I actually provide in my game.
Is there no way to test IAP restore?
Hey, did you ever get this figured out?
In order to test IAP restore, you need to upload a build to your iTunes account, and set up a testing user. Push the build using Apple's TestFlight system, and log in to the testing account on your phone/iPad. Make a purchase, and then delete the app. Re-install the app, and then attempt to do the purchase restore.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
I'm more so concerned that my app has been rejected twice because they state there is no action when the restore button is pressed. I have called the Purchase Data Request, and there is still no action. Do I have to call Purchase Data Request for each actor with iAP behaviours?
I never had any issue until upgrading to the new iAP behaviours.
Good info @Armelline
@Rabid Parrot In this case I changed my buy button to a restore purchase button after the purchase has been made. Apple did not like that, so I just had to change it
It's very possible that an action IS taking place, but too slowly. Apple's servers can take time to respond, particularly in their own testing environment. Apple will, on a whim, reject apps that this happens in.
They press Restore.
The request is sent, but it takes 5+ seconds to be processed.
4 seconds later they give up, saying no action took place.
If you've not tested it yourself, then do so. You need to confirm 100% that the Restore behaviour is successfully firing. If it is, then you're facing the dreaded, arbitrary, "You need dynamic buttons" rejection.
I did a presentation last month at the meetup about this issue. It might be worth watching it, as I discuss all of this in some detail, as well as some ways you can address the problem:
There's a video somewhere in the thread.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
Yea, I have tested it in Ad Hoc and it takes a few seconds to fire. I'll check out your presentation. Thanks!