how come gamesalad isnt able to make 3D games like unity
I love gamesalad! Only thing I've used to make my apps.. But as I look unity makes stunning 3D apps but with very hard coding.. I never understood why gamesalad couldn't make 3D apps like that with the same simplistic coding. If that happens I know gamesalad would completely wipe out everyone completely
Making a good 3d engine is a lot harder than 2d engine. And even current gamesalad engine, lacks a lot of crucial features.
By the way, Unity has a lot of plugins for visual scripting.
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
"If that happens I know gamesalad would completely wipe out everyone completely"
I think you are mixing up Ebola and GameSalad, as far as I am aware Ebola is not planning to add 3D functionality to its core RNA code.
Because its a 2D engine... Not a 3D one. There's a lot of different/additional programming required to make a 3D engine... It's not something that can just be added on. The bulk of the engine would have to be re-written or started afresh to make Gamesalad into a 3D engine.
It's a bit like asking why a fish cannot bark like a dog... After all they're both animals... But they're very different animals!
Evolving is a possibility though!
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Would you think trying to code with unity be something that's completely different?
With Ebola's ultimate goal of wiping out humanity it's always going to struggle to find investment, which is why the KickStarter campaign didn't really take off. They need to set more realistic goals, look at things like the bubonic plague, with almost zero start-up budget, and with none of the headline grabbing publicity that Ebola has had, it still managed to bring Europe to its knees, simple moves like rebranding the plague as TheBlackDeath™ and making it free to play are what saw it really take off, no one was going around demanding that the plague needs a 3D engine or custom fonts, yet its runaway success was undeniable.
No, it's the same.
Hey who said GameSalad couldn't do 3d... _(insert 'pseudo 3d', '3d blocks' forum search here :-)
Simple comparison between the two (three)
Learn the basics and in a fortnight release a game and start earning some money. Spend forever improving all areas of your game design skills on your own little indie gamedesign journey... Learn better 2d art skills, game mechanics, sales techniques, app store submission requirements, universal game design, math, complicated logic, improve performance, debugging, tables, server side coding, wait for GameSalad updates/fixes... become addicted to the forum etc etc.... (Worth noting that many would argue that 2D mobile games/apps are still the most popular and most suitable type of mobile game.)
Learn the basics in 4 months, realise you've only learnt the bare minimum of C# or some 3rd part visual scripting, plus a minimal understanding of the interface.. walk away... come back months later cause it still looks so cool... learn the basics again... plus a bit more... Realise you know nothing about how to model, rig and animate using a 3d package (i.e. 3ds max, cinema 4d, Blender)... Go away... come back a year later... import a model...realise the UVW mapping needs fixing... go away come back 2 months later with a solid understanding about UVW mapping... Force yourself to get better and better at coding and logic... watch and read 100's of hours of tutorials and forum questions.. finally reaching a level of 'pretty poor programmer' that can get by. Pay up the $75.00 a month (or what ever it is) so you can have dynamic or baked shadows in your game... Then decide "ooh the games made with Unreal Engine look even better, and the pricing is very competitive, and blue print looks cool, maybe I'll try that." ...
Unreal Engine
They have 'blueprint', which is integrated throughout and is a form of visual scripting (well technically a blueprint is something that holds a graph where you do the visual scripting plus it holds other stuff). So in essence it's what you asked for originally. Though as it is a 3d game engine it is a much much much bigger bag of ticks and has many many more toys to play with and so it's much harder to learn (months/years vs weeks/months). Plus if you're hoping to release a game on the various mobile platforms you'd need to consider looking into to the programming side to be able to tweak the performance of the engine outside of the visual setup.
Overall which ever route you take you'll learn tonnes and that's half the fun.
OK.......... Ive heard some requests before................ really?......REALLY?? Gamesalad recently put 2 and 2 together and realized they needed to tear everything down and pour a solid foundation for this software. And you're mentioning 3D capabilities? REALLY?? They havent even crawled out of the beta world, while trying to pull off a 2D gaming platform. And you want to know why they dont have 3D? Really?? One uncompleted feature after another causing issues to other uncompleted features. List of issues and bugs 5 miles long and years unfixed. All this and so much more, and you want to ask for......plant the seed.........encourage the masses.......fuel the fire of asking or even mentioning that Gamesalad think toward 3D?
Your that guy who drives a 200$ ford pinto, with bald tires and worn out wipers. But just installed a 2000$ DVD/CD players with subwoofers for back seats. Asking himself " Wouldnt be cool if I added a jet engine and wings"
Game Salad is still beta with bugs that dont seem to get fixed before they add new features. I love GS but theres no way I want them to work on something "new" when they should be focusing on keeping their software from crashing when you add an image to your project...or not even adding them to the project at all after 3 tries force quiting required...slowing to a crawl after 10 minutes of working on a project...locking up when you click save...4 things that have been occuring in every "beta" version they have released over the past year on a Macbook Air brand new out of the box. It always has a crash report I can send to Apple...I want it to send it to GS. As a developer I can use testflight and know if the gane crashed. I dont know if GS has something like that so they know what happened or why. It would be cool to be able to send info back to them but I dont recall ever seeing anything that asked me if I woukd allow such info sent back. That should be built it. Maybe it is.
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@FINNBOGG yeah idk if you're trying to be sarcastic or trying to insult me but I definitely don't drive a $200 car .. add $127,800 to it -_-, (nor am I bald). @thunder_child what type of bugs do they have? I haven't encountered any so far.. I've been using gamesalad for about a year. The only thing I found is that it gets SUPER slow and tends to crash if you use it for more than an hour without stopping.
My bugs are listed above
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Right.. That is so annoying. Everytime I put a new image in my game I save just before just in case it crashes.
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@Thunder_Child I've been a windows user all my life. I got a mac and I tried to start making games from that instead and it was impossible. I noticed that if I use the creator for longer than 15 minutes the dragging behavior refuses to work. Then I would have to restart my macbook. Then I realized it was a waste of time because I won't get anywhere if I have to keep restarting my mac every 15 minutes. So thats why I use windows and when I'm ready to publish I use my mac. I only use my mac for ad hoc, development and itunes connected. Other than that all my games are made on my windows desktop and I believe thats the reason I don't have the stretch feature we were talking about
I have a washing machine and a drier. I used to have a washer-drier combination unit.
Whenever I washed stuff in my combination unit it would end up poorly washed and still damp.
When I now wash stuff in my washer, it ends up properly washed. I then put it in the drier and it ends up completely dry.
In other words, a jack of all trades is a master of none. I hope GameSalad keeps on focusing on doing one thing well, and keeps improving at it.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
@armelline I never knew gamesalad had so many bugs .. .-. ! Maybe its because I'm nor professionals likes you guys and the coding I'm doing is something very simple and not as advanced like you guys.. Thats why I'm not encountering all these problems
It has quite a few, but I find very few I can't work around. It's just a matter of learning about it's little quirks and learning how to avoid or compensate for them.
The troll ratio of this thread has got pretty high, though, so I'd mostly just ignore it.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Didnt think we were trolling...our comments...I thought related to the topic somewhat as I see no reason to do something new when issues exists persistently with a current "forever beta" software.
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I signed up for a unity class over on Udemy, but I have not taken it yet.
I've actually signed up for 1 or 2 swift classes, and a unity class. Wish I had the time to really dive in
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Yes you can "fake" it, have a look on DBA we've made a 3D Platformer 3D Racing 3D Fall down 3D Vortex etc etc.
Stormy sums it up with his post
Thanks :-)
It is true that when you enter 3d space, the amount of work and knowledge that is needed to make a competitive game is drastically increased. I'm not a coder and I'm not an artist, yet I've manage to do this in a couple of months and now I'm working on a lot more ambitious project.
When you're a one man team with no programming or artist skills, Unity Asset Store is your friend.
I don't have plans to buy Unity Pro, cause Unity Free gives you a lot! You do have dynamic and baked shadows in Unity Free. AAA graphics is already achievable in Unity, but Unity 5 will integrate lightning system similar to games like Battlefield 4, so AAA graphics will be even easier to achieve.
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.