Stick Hero
Saw it the other day on youtube and it looked like something that could easily be recreated in GS.
Had a few hours to kill so thought it would be fun to recreate and no we won't be releasing to any of the stores :P just a time waster project really as i had a few hours to spare and was a little bored but it is addictive and can see why apple picked it up and featured it.
The original can be found here
This discussion has been closed.
What determines the length of the stick?
How long you hold your finger down so there's a bit of skill required.
Is this going to be a free template? Looks great if so. If it was just a time-waster to be unreleased entirely, then still looks like fun time spent
I played this last week and was actually really enjoying it. A lot better than most of these hard one-touch games that are popular at the moment. But there was a truly oppressive number of ads and I ended up deleting it.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
would love to see this template as well! nice job
Nice concept !
Love it Darren.
I think if u make a big stick every time, you won't fall
My Games Link:
I don't quite see the point of this post for anything other than self benefit and advertisement ($$). Either way, good job.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Man if this was free! , i wouldn't just publish it with different graphics i think you would have to add in an extra feature like jumping other enemies as well to make the game more unique and not just a c copy : if you would to publish it
There is a switch on the iPad to remedy that you know... no ads for me...and no need to delete the app
@DeepBlueApps nice one Darren
Except that's a lie. I just got an email from DBA offering to sell me this. You said that so this thread wouldn't be immediately closed, as you know full well it breaks the rules.
I find this extremely annoying and frustrating. It's this kind of underhanded behaviour and self-promotion while skirting the rules (or flat out ignoring them) that makes it so hard for people on these forums to give genuinely free stuff, or even free stuff to promote their competing businesses while obeying the rules.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
In Darren defense, I asked him to make this template available on DBA so I may download it. This maybe my fault.
If that was his only motivation he'd have made it free.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Its not surprising, see my post above pretty much pointing this out when he made the post.
He put it out on GS marketplace the same day, it wasn't cause your special my friend, these are all just shady advertising tactics.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Who $&#%? Cares other than THAT guy...and moderators. I dont care what loop holes he uses to circumvent policies. If its available on the atual GS marketplace then whats the big freakin deal. GS will get money.
Know the whole story...not just what your brain tells you is the lies...LIES...ALL LIES! "No I dont"...."YES YOU DO SHUT UP!!"
Good job Darren
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I care. I have restrictions placed on what I can do because of what other people do. If he's going to pull this crap I'm going to call him out on it - and anyone else who's causing the mods to tighten the rules even more.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Ok your right
But I cant stop my logic there...if he gave it free then GS doesnt make anything off of it then either so I personally dont see a difference what so ever in their policy and so frankly if you go that far then there should not even be anything sold or free in the forums. Even close the spare code thread. Take away the capability to upload files to threads.
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing
The rule limits selling on the forums because when it was allowed every Tom dick and Harry that figured out how to make a hello world template thought it was good enough to sell on the forums. People were sick of it and wanted it gone.
The annoying thing @armeline is referring to is @DeepBlueApps doesn't seem I care about those rules that everyone else follows.
Closing this for obvious reasons