Air Hockey type question
I am having a bit of a problem. So far, I have A paddle actor and a puck actor. The paddle constrains to the mouse's position, and the ball bounces on collision with the paddle. The problem is, it merely moves outside of a collision with the paddle when it does collide. Does anyone know how to make it like a realistic air hockey paddle/puck?
Not sure if this is the issue, but by the sound of it, it sounds like the images that you are using may have some extra transparent real-estate. Check your images to ensure they are properly cropped. Even so, you may need to constrain a transparent actor to each one of your interactive/collidable actors. Essentially Hitboxes. You can resize these until you get the desired collision effect.
Some of the problem may be due to the fact that collisions rules act up when a constrain attribute is in effect. There is a tutorial by GSHelper on how to get around this. Check out the video below. | Free Stuff
Wayne made 2 Air Hockey Templates a while back which are available on DBA really cheap if it helps (search "Hockey" on DBA)
C'mon now, you know the rules. This isn't the first time either. Keep testing your luck.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
He's asking about Air Hockey we have 2 templates for only 99p each where's the harm?
This is his 1st post so he's obviously just started using GameSalad and tbh no one here is going to show him how to make a complete game for free.
I will send him a PM to keep the peace…some people!
4+ years of helping out on the forums and some jumped up stickler for the rules jumps in
I changed my name from raycur09
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He is asking for coding/programing help, not for a template. Like i said keep testing your luck.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una Here you go! this should be enough to get a game started.
Sorry about the late reply. Yes, I am new to Game Salad, although not to programming. Ashtmj, yes, thanks. I was wondering if I could have to do something like that.