my app is in violation of the google advertising ID policy
Member Posts: 346
I just put in revmob into my apps, but then google marked those apps are violating the advertising id and is not complaint with the developer program policy? i don't understand? one of my apps was completely suspended. please help i want to use revmob but they are say that i am violating the policy. how can i fix this?
Very little information. Who was the market for your apps? If it was kids and you're adverts are showing +18 rated, then it would be. Google would have given you a reason in their email.
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I didn't get an email. a warning on my developer console say those apps potentially may violate the advertising id. l
I don't want my apps being removed from the store. I changed my category to arcade, it was in the educational. may thats it?
Then maybe. Kids/Educational stuff is sensitive.
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mostly all my app mark also and issue about advertising id, when i put the mouse over the little sign of warning, it mark specifically the SDK (com.revmob.client). i try to upload a new binary with the latest gamesalad creator, the warning was remover but it appear again in mostly all the games, i dont know if i need to update something or i should not use revmob, do anybody have the same issue?
I'm also having the same issue regarding RevMob with my 2 games.....What is Gamesalad input regarding this.......? God Bless....
I found this online and its not exclusive to Gamesalad
The problem is that Google replaced android id with advertiser id . so older version of revmob may use the android id. The advertising ID is a user-specific, unique, resettable ID for advertising, provided by Google Play services. It gives users better controls and provides developers with a simple, standard system to continue to monetize your apps. It is an anonymous identifier for advertising purposes and enables users to reset their identifier or opt out of interest-based ads within Google Play apps.
hope this answer is helpful to you friend
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same issue and unfortunately
doesn't help as it doesn't tell you how to solve the issue using gamesalad it looks like you need to add code to your game