GS version! please help!
Hey guys, how you all doing, I've been quiet here lately as my real job has been busy but hoping someone can help
Ok so ive not published a game in the last roughly 8 weeks so a bit lost with what version i need after IOS8 is now out, i fully understand all the new image sizes will be needed too though, so thats cool.
My last game published fine which what i have, although my games no longer work with IOS8 so...
Ive a new game ready to publish but I'm currently using the following:
universal builds
GS version MAC,
application loader 2.9.1 (441)
xcode 511 (5b1008)
osx 10.9.2
As i said I'm just unsure what i should update to to get my new and old games back out and compatible with IOS8 etc..
hoping i don't have to update to the new Yosemite as that will require more time etc..
thanks in advance guys
I think GS is on 0.12.x now.
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Thanks for the reply friend
yeah I understand there is a later version out but wanted to know if it's cool to publish with it without problems, and also what other stuff needs updating such as Xcode and app launcher etc for it to all work on ios8 and not get rejected
Thanks again for the reply
Application Loader 3.0 is the minimum loader required and Xcode 5.0 also.
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@Thunder_Child and im guessing ill have to update to the latest GS! annoying as the one im using never crashes!
You shoukd always update to the latest your computer will allow to reep the benifits of any software may have to offer in newest versions.
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