Game is done. I need step by step instructions on testing with ipad with ad-hoc then iAds
Please help. I have watched old videos but I have the newest OS (Yosimite) and Xcode 6.1 installed and can not figure out how to go from a finished game to test it on my iPad and then also get the iAds on. If there is a step by step instructions somewhere, someone please help.
try to limit your questions to one thread...your kind of "new" to the forums so just a heads up...
I answered your question on iAds placement on your other forum thread. You can always edit you previous threads to include additional questions.
As far as adhoc testing? Do you have a "distribution, ad hoc, provisioning profile" created, downloaded and installed?
All you have to do is tehter your iPad to your Mac...then open xCode....across the top you will see a tab called it and go down to devices...your iPad shoukd be shiwn on the upoer left above all the your iPad and wait for it to build your profiles into your iPad...when its done the + symbol will be able to be there and find your adhoc profile signed app....double click and within seconds your appy is now installed for testing.
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David Ballew has got some great videos. Check below
Tutorial 7 Adhoc via Xcode and Testflight:
The whole video series:
Thanks for the props on my videos...Im sure they can help...unfortunately...although much newer than many out there...they are now even slightly out dated because of the new front end of the Apple iTunes connect...long weekend coming up I plan on making a couple new videos to replace the old ones. Luckily not all are needed to be replaced.
Aka...David Ballew
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This video series should be watched by all newbs like me. Because of this series, I fully understand the process. Thank you for the videos.
I have a question for you. I have created a game and it is setup for the iPad. In your opinion, will this work well for all IOS devices. If I created it for iPad, will it look right on the iPad mini? How about the iPhones and iPod touches? Would it be better to go back into gamesalad and remake it for the iPhone size, or does this even matter? Since you have such a good grasp at all this, please give me your opinion on what is the best way to go from here. Thx
Also, on the iAds, do I program this into my game prior to uploading it to apple for review and then enable iAds from there? What is the best procedure for this?
Thank you for watching the videos. I tried to make them as "noob/newb friendly" as I really still am a noob myself.
The word on the street is....always build all your games in the ipad format correct. And click the "resolution indepence" option under your project title. This supposedly will crop/resize all your actors appropriately on devices smaller than the device you are building for. When you publish in GS portal...use the stretch option and your build will fit on ALL iOS devices. The only drawback is according to the change in ratio the actors will end up slightly stretched.
This generally is not a major issue unless you are using squares and circles. If using landscape builds you might consider intensionally making your actors stretched tall in your sure to test on multiple devices if you can.
Testflight is a great service to allow you and "friends" with other devices give you feedback on looks, playability and so on.
As far as iAds...yes you have to insert that code from your "pro" tab is GS...called "show banner" sure to choose top or bottom. Make sure if using ads like this to place a temporary actor of size 320x50 on top or bottom while building your app so you dont chop anything out after your done and playing the game. This is what I do and I place the code in THAT actor. When my build is complete I then move that code just out of range of the screen. Its still there...just outside the screen. Dont use timers as this can cause issues for apples refreshing of ads. When you publish in the GS portal, below where you place your splash screen images is a box to click called iAds...that will give you a build ready for Apple to review. In iTunes connect you may have to choose that your app "desperses ads from within the app" and also allow people to turn off apps...that also is in one of my videos.
Hope this helps even more. Feel free to ask me any questions. If I can, I will answer.
I may have the publishing and ads stuff fairly figured out but I am by FAR...NOT a coding the game wizard.
Btw I have an iPhone 4S, iPhone 6+ and iPad I trust everything I just told you.
Building in iPad format..especially if landscape makes for a FANTASTIC conversion to a Mac format should you choose to also publish to Mac. Mac App Store does not have iAds so keep that in mind.
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Here are two screen shots of a slots game I have. Notice how bad it stretches the actors. I happen to intensionally allow auto rotate so I can see the differences. This is something you have to tinker with to make it like you like it. I built this game for eventually being played in landscape which I squished my actors slightly on purpose to fit like I wanted in landscape mode.
I also should add that I built THIS particular game with an intensional screen size of 320x320 in anticipation of possible games to be built for the iWatch...which it looks great. So I get stretched both ways. There are other ways to do this and I have never figured it out. You will have to refer to others in the forums for a true universal build NOT using the stretch method.
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