RevMob and Google Policy ID Violation..........Game Salad Staff?
I'm having issues with RevMob and Google Play concerning Policy ID Violation just like other users on this Board. Can GameSalad Staff, please let us know how do we go about fixing this, or if there's a fix for this? Thanks and God Bless....
same issue and unfortunately
doesn't help as it doesn't tell you how to solve the issue using gamesalad.
From my understanding we are doing every thing correctly with integrating RevMob's SDK on GameSalad Creator 0.12.10. Please contact Revmob support first.
Note for moderators can we merge or centralize the threads about this issue.
Hi @BlackCloakGS
on my revmob dashboard it said "update your sdk" and when i click on it under android documentation it show the instruction on how not to get the warning on google play because of the advertising ID:
@hybrid what sdk does it say you are using and should upgrade to?
I cant find which sdk im using,
but it tell me i should download and upgrate to revmob-android-sdk-6.9.8
What version of GameSalad Creator are you using?
im using 0.12.10
Will double check we are using the correct SDK.
Thanks @BlackCloakGS

We are using the 6.9.8 Revmob SDK for android.
Then is a problem on revmob side. Should i send them a message about it?
Yep I would recommend opening a support ticket with them. They have a great support system and are very friendly.
I just open a ticket about the issue with them, i will wait for the answer and i will post here they answer.
Thank you!
Hi @BlackCloakGS
I got an answer from Revmob, Said they got many reports regarding that google violation and they build a Beta version of their android SDK which they hope fix that issue and other anti-virus flags.
They gave me a link for download the SDK because they haven't pushed that version out, so that link its the only way to download it.
ok I will contact them Monday and get the new sdk. Thank you for your help
Does this mean that there will be an update for gamesalad mac on Monday or will it take longer, just want to know if I should remove Revmob in the meantime from my apps
So today I went on my google play developer account, and saw a little yellow warning triangle on the right hand side of one of my apps on the app preview page. It said that it was using the com.revmob.client and that was a violation. Tell me if anyone is experiencing this issue. Take a look for yourself:
My Games:
My Games:
I removed my app to be on the safe side...i don't want a permanent removal...this is something game salad is responsible to change
My Games:
Received e-mail from Revmob for those having issue.
We've recently received some complaints regarding a Google Advertising ID Policy violation related to our latest SDK version.
We've just released new versions for all supported engines and would like to reinforce that all our SDKs are now fully compliant with Google's advertising policies. Please refer to the "Google Advertising ID" section of our SDK page and see if you completed the Google Play Services setup properly.
We strongly recommend you to update your SDK to our latest versions:
Android 7.0.0
Unity 7.4.2
Adobe Air 1.4.5
Phonegap Cordova 1.3.4
Appcelerator Titanium 1.2.2
In case you have any issues, feel free to contact us at and we'll be glad to help you out.
Yes, i got that email too, and they already email me yesterday with the beta sdk link,
BlackCloakGS said he will contact them on monday, I dont think it takes too much before we get the fix. i have my games marked with the yellow warning triangle for like three weeks and so far none was removed, if you just get the warning i dont think you should worry.
thanks to @BlackCloakGS he always reply and help about the issue, he double check the SDK they're been using and everything was ok, this was a revmob issue but they also answer very quickly and got it fix.
Quick update. Revmob sent us a link to the new SDK. I will be working on this Monday.
Hello BlackCloakGS,
We have the same problem. Any news on this?
I put in the fix to QA this morning.
OK. We updated, but still get the same message. :-(
We should have a release out to everyone today that fixes this issue.
This is now fixed see here